2022 Program Nights (Visitors are Welcome)  

If you are not a member and wish to attend any of our meetings, please send an email to AlamedaPhotoSociety@gmail.com with the title WANT TO ATTEND and let us know which meeting you would like to attend.   All meetings are via Zoom.

See current list of events at Eventbrite Events

Tuesday, January 25:  This will be our Annual Meeting where you will hear from the Board about the status of APS.  We will introduce the new Board for 2022.  And you will have the opportunity to ask questions of the Board.  

Tuesday February 22  : Scavenger Hunt Results

Tuesday March 22:  Club member Leonard Stanton speaking about "Focus Bracketing and Stacking" 

We will look at increasing depth of field for everything from large landscapes down to very small macro level images using focus bracketing and stacking. Traditional manual bracketing methods will be reviewed but the emphasis will be on recently developed automated in-camera bracketing. Various methods of combining or stacking images with different focus points will be compared including in-camera stacking. The entire process from setup to final image will be demonstrated within the limitations of Zoom. Finally, problems with the technique and things to look out for will be discussed.

Tuesday April 26 : Scavenger Hunt Results

Tuesday May 24 : Greg Edwards on "Advanced Ways to Improve Your Photography (Updated)"

Tuesday June 28:  Understanding Competitions and Judging

Tuesday July 25 :  Member Jeff Dunn discusses "Copyright and Others' Art"

Tuesday August 23:  Professional Photographer Greg Edwards will discuss capturing Sunrises and Sunsets.  

Tuesday September 27 : tbd

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