Welcome to the Alameda Photographic Society

 We invite you to explore photography through friendship, workshops, competition and learning programs. Look around, get to know our photographers, our mission, places we visit and the excitement of expression; better yet come to one of our meetings and see for yourself.

Club Meetings

Alameda Photographic Society (APS) has replaced all in person meetings with Zoom meetings.  To help you get started please look at Getting Started with Zoom.

  • Show and Tell Tuesdays  are on 1st Tuesday.  This is an opportunity to show your work in a non competitive environment and get friendly feedback.  There is also a discussion about the images from a well known photographer.
  • Competition nights are on 2nd Tuesdays (not in December).
  • Program nights are on the 4th Tuesdays (not in December).  Non members can register at Eventbrite to get the Zoom link.  Registration is usually available about 2 weeks prior to the Program night.

If you are not a member and wish to attend any of our meetings, please send an email to AlamedaPhotoSociety@gmail.com with the title WANT TO ATTEND and let us know which meeting you would like to attend.

On the second Saturday of each month (weather permitting) members meet informally for lunch at a parklet in downtown Alameda.

Field Trips

***NEW*** For information on DIY field trips, check out the  APS DIY Field Trip Discussion Forum

***NEW***  For information on Group field trips, check out the APS Field Trip Discussion Forum

Join our Club to enjoy the full benefits of membership.  Click here for info on joining.

We're on Facebook

 See us on Flickr

 Calendar  (To attend any of our meetings please send an email to AlamedaPhotoSociety@gmail.com with the title WANT TO ATTEND and tell us which meeting you'd like to attend.).     Note: Members can view info on and register for upcoming field trips by clicking here.

Attention:  We're kicking off the year with a special series of three program nights(via Zoom).  For the first two program nights we have selected guest speakers to inspire you.  The last program night provides an opportunity for our members to share their images.  See program nights below on Feb 25th,  March 25th and April 22th. 

You do not need to attend all three sessions.  Attend as many as you want to.

Members will receive the zoom link in their email.  Guest are welcome and can get the zoom link by registering at Eventbrite.  Registration is optional for members.

March  2025

Tuesday, March  4 at 7 PM: Show and Tell Tuesday  If you have an image that you want to talk about, tell us why you took it, what you had to do to get the image, or special processing you did to improve the image then submit it.  If you have multiple versions of the same image and you want to know what the feeling is for each image, submit them as a sequence.  Or maybe you have multiple images of the same subject, taken from different angles, and again you want to know what the feeling is for the images, submit a sequence.   We will also view and discuss the images of a photographer

Saturday March 8 noon:  APS Meet Us for Lunch: This is a bring your own (BYO) event. Bring a lunch from home or pick up some take-out nearby (there are a lot of choices and it's a good opportunity to support a local business).  Of course, eating is optional - so if you  just want to come down to visit, that's great too!

Where: Parklet on Alameda Avenue off of Park St in Alameda - picnic tables are set up for public use. Here is a link showing the location.   https://www.google.com/maps/@37.7633937,-122.243555,19.17z

Tuesday, March 11  at 7PM: Competition Night - The categories are:  Pictorial, Nature, Travel and the Challenge of the Month (the topic is "Something that makes you smile"). Remember that for the Challenge of the Month category, the images you submit must be photographed since the last competition night. You may submit up to 5 images.  

Tuesday, March 18 at 7 PM: Board Meeting:

Tuesday, March 25  7 PM  Program Night : Guest Speaker - John Barclay: Through the Lens of Love - In his unique way, John will share his stories and thoughts from a 20 year journey in photography leading to this: photograph what you love, what “makes [your] heart sing.” He encourages all to follow their vision.  This is the second part of our 3 part series of program nights that are designed to inspire.

April 2025

Tuesday, April 1 at 7 PM: Show and Tell Tuesday

 If you have an image that you want to talk about, tell us why you took it, what you had to do to get the image, or special processing you did to improve the image then submit it. If you have multiple versions of the same image and you want to know what the feeling is for each image, submit them as a sequence. Or maybe you have multiple images of the same subject, taken from different angles, and again you want to know what the feeling is for the images, submit a sequence. We will also view and discuss the images of a photographer

Tuesday, April 8 at 7 PM: Competition Night

The categories are: Pictorial, TBD, Challenge of the Month (the topic is "TBD"). Remember that for the Challenge of the Month category, the images you submit must be photographed since the last competition night. You may submit up to 5 images.

Saturday April 12 noon: APS Meet Us for Lunch:

This is a bring your own (BYO) event. Bring a lunch from home or pick up some take-out nearby (there are a lot of choices and it's a good opportunity to support a local business). Of course, eating is optional - so if you just want to come down to visit, that's great too!

Where: Parklet on Alameda Avenue off of Park St in Alameda - picnic tables are set up for public use. Here is a link showing the location.https://www.google.com/maps/@37.7633937,-122.243555,19.17z

Tuesday, April 15 at 7 PM: Board Meeting:

Tuesday, April 22 7 PM Program Night - View Inspired/Inspiring Images
This is the final part of our 3 part series designed to inspire.  Members please share images that come from the heart with no thought of competitions, likes and faves, or how an image will look online. Submit them to the  April 22 2025 Program Night in the Competitions.  This is not a competition.  Entries will not be judged.  Deadline for submitting images is Sunday, April 20 at 7pm.  You do not have to attended any of the prior sessions to share images or attend the session.


Alameda Photographic Society Affiliations

    Northern California Council of Camera Clubs

The Northern California Council of Camera Clubs (N4C) is the umbrella organization for 16 San Francisco Bay Area camera clubs, whose members comprise photography enthusiasts—beginners, amateurs and professionals. N4C provides an opportunity to grow photographically and compete at an inter-club level. Most individual member clubs hold their own local monthly judged competitions in two photographic mediums, Prints and Projected Images, and in various subject matter.

Join in the fun with N4C and their local camera clubs. Participate in field trips, seminars, and workshops, share learning experiences and camaraderie among fellow photographers in your area! We use the N4C competition definitions and rules for all of our competitions.


PSA Logo  The Photographic Society of America

The Alameda Photographic Society of America is also a member of the Photographic Society of America (PSA) and its local Yerba Buena chapter. The Photographic Society of America is a worldwide organization for anyone interested in photography. The society includes casual shutterbugs, serious amateurs, and professional photographers. Founded in 1934, PSA has members in over 70 countries. Individual, club, and council memberships offer a wide variety of services and activities: a monthly magazine; online photo galleries, image evaluation, study groups, and courses; competitions; an annual conference; recognition; and discounts on photography-related products and services.

Contact: alamedaphotosociety@gmail.com

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Member Organization

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