Our club holds monthly competitions on the second Tuesday of each month.  Images are judged by an outside judge. Each month the top 3 images (1st, 2nd and 3rd place) in each division/level are sent to the N4C inter club competition.  Thus, images at our monthly competitions are judged in accordance with N4C rules.  The judge provides feedback on each image to help makers improve their photography.

If your image receives a 1st,2nd or 3rd place then you CANNOT submit again in the same division. If it does not place you can resubmit it and get another chance to have your image compete at the N4C level.  You can also submit your image in other divisions regardless of whether it received an award.  For example, an image that received 1st,2nd or 3rd in Nature, can be submitted to Pictorial.    Resubmitting an image gives you an opportunity to get the opinion of another judge and/or to take advantage of the judge's suggestions before resubmitting. But you don't need to make any changes when you resubmit. 

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