2016 Program Nights


Bob Hirschfeld offered a tutorial on "Lightroom for Dummies." He insists using Adobe Lightroom is much simpler than many people think, as long as you stick to the basics. And that's what he taught us. He demonstrated how he organizes his photos and processes them on a laptop during his extensive travels.


Stephen Hinchey gave a brief introduction to "Photoshop Elements". He started with a brief look at the Quick menu and how novices can use it. Much of the evening was spent in the Guided menu and answering user questions. There was some time spent talking about the capabilities of the Expert Level, Spot Healing, Clone Stamping, Quick Selection, and the tricks of combing Selection with Burning.

Stephen mentioned layers, but David Wientraub will be hosting Program Night that goes into greater detail about the use of layers.


Jeff Dunn and Bob Hirschfeld spoke on Discussion Groups in PSA.


We had a 'local field trip', the topic was "roundish". Club members brought their cameras and we met afterwards to show and talk about the images.


Member Jeff Dunn spoke on creative manipulation. Jeff has submitted some fabulous images in the Creative category and he shared some of his tricks.


Club President David Weintraub showed us how to manipulate our images using layers. When and why to use layers. Showing and hiding layers. How to use layers with masks.


As is our custom there was no Program Night in July


This was a show and tell for club members to talk about photography gadgets and tips that they have purchased, built, and learned.


Club member Tom Debley gave a presentation on making Creative images.


Club member Leonard Stanton gave a presentation on using Adobe's Lightroom product to Organize your images.


Club members brought one to three images and talked about the challenges they faced capturing and creating the image.


There is no Program Night in December.

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